As so many viable solutions are emerging, world around, it's easier to track them, fit them where needed, and develop the strategies best able to put them to work if they are grouped by sector, as we've done here. This grouping also suggests what a future we could all live with might look like and, realistically, how we might actually succeed in achieving such a future, as the pieces come together.

Restorative Agriculture

How we can meet the needs of all by healing not harming planet or people

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Regenerative Economics

What's now driving the radicle* reinvention of capitalism & how do we keep it going in the right direction?

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Transformative Technology

What tools & techniques--newly invented or reclaimed from our past--can meet our needs by healing not harming planet & people?

Do It Ourselves Democracy

How do we stop fighting each other and start solving our real problems?

Reconnected Cultures

How heal our histories and connect with each other, within and between all sectors, divisions and levels of society, with ourselves, and with the lands, lakes, seas, planes and mountains of our planet?

Resilient Communities

How do we connect within and between our communities to handle whatever happens, save all we can and grow, not lessen, our humanity?

Empowered Education

By what learning experiences available to all do we elicit, enable and empower our higher purposes and learn what we must to secure a livable future?

Mutually Assured Security

How might we join our militaries to rescue all we still can in the decade of disasters we can no longer avoid?