The Climate Journey image
As the solutions on this website suggest, we do have what it takes to both survive these times and transform our global society into one that works far better for all living in it or affected by it. Not pipedreams or wish lists, but proven solutions with the potential to shift our biggest problems. The challenge is to find and use the strategies most likely to put these answers to work wherever they're needed, being sure to connect them to each other, even across sectors, wherever they are in truth interdependent.

The necessity is integrated systems transformation, where needed redirecting the very aims and structures by which the sectors of our society carry out many of their key functions: technology, finance, governance, education, health and the resilience of communities and bio-regions, within and between nations. Our strategies must not only scale the right solutions but in the right sequence. As with any organic systems, for human society to truly work, all of its sectors, each with its particular  function, must work well, healthy in itself, and in right relation with all the others.