Ch. 27 Santa Cruz Community TV Seven Part Series, hosted by Dr. Nancy Glock-Grueneich

Show 1   Change the Story--Change the Future

Show 1 Change the Story--Change the Future

December 2017 Solutions to our most urgent problems are emerging world-wide. Five disabling assumptions keep us from even seeking, let alone acting on, these solutions. Starting with reversing climate change, we look at some of these solutions, and how we could change society enough to put them to work. Each show takes actionable strategies and tools from the most promising of these citizen successes worldwide, including: Planetary Restoration ▪ Centering ▪ Social Healing ▪ Regenerative Agriculture ▪ Renewables ▪ Land Reform

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Show 2 Change Our Ways--Find Solutions and Take Them to Scale

January 2018 Examples of six innovations to achieve rapid expansion of some of the key capacities people need if they are going to innovate–and if they are going to adapt rapidly to the benefits of innovation. Innovation is a catalyst that allows individual creativity to sometimes achieve the most far reaching of systems changes. To seek solutions we need to believe they may be possible. To use the solutions we find, to take action, we must get beyond the perverse security of pessimism and surrender. In investing in action rather than despair, we risk the ridicule of others, and sometimes the failure of even our best efforts, and the betrayal of our hopes. But we also experience the bracing truth that we are part of the solution, not the problem, are fully alive, and making the most of all the chances we still have for a livable future. Some of the ways we focus on here are to: Build Capacity ▪ Take Solutions to Scale ▪ Target Innovation at Points of High Leverage in Key Systems ▪ Combine Solutions for Systems Change

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Show 3 Move the Money--Put It Where It Counts

February 2018 “We haven’t the money or the means to take even the most critical of solutions to scale.” Or so we are always told. “Scarcity rules.” But if ever that was true, it no longer is. The resources we actually need exist in abundance—and so does the money. This month, we look at potent movements underway to reclaim our money and shift our resources towards social justice and back from species extinction. Among the compelling examples we highlight in this episode are: Viking Economics ▪ Divestment ▪ Public Banking ▪ Triple Bottom Line ▪ Conscious Capitalism ▪ Climate Risk Disclosure

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Show 4 Change the Rules--Make All Sectors Part of the Solution

March 2018 Whether technologies and economies help or hurt people and planet depends greatly on the rules—the enforceable agreements, laws, standards and other, that we make or accede to. Here we look at our power to make and change the rules that surround us and also at some specific rule changes that could turn the solutions we’re exploring in this series into the foundations of a viable future. If we have solidarity. If we come at it from all sides. And if we are ready for deep thinking, tough battles and the long haul. Among the many approaches to achieving deep change, often quite different in different sectors, the strategies we highlight in this episode include: Collective Impact; Inside/Outside Action; Updating Professional Standards; Redefining Fiduciary Duty § Corporate Laws & Requirements; and the admissions, curriculum graduation and research requirements in Higher Education.

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Show 5 Change the Politics--Stop Fighting Each Other, Start Solving Our Real Problems

April 2018 To defeat the “divide and conquer” manipulation now tearing us apart, we’ve got to change who we listen to, how we talk to each other, and what we talk about. We are not each other’s enemy. Polls show Americans agree on 70-80% of what we need—and that our elected leaders aren’t delivering on any of it! Since corporate cronies pay all sides in an election, all doors stay open to them no matter who wins. If we jointly arrive at solutions most agree on, we can then elect those best able to help us realize them. A surprising array of proven approaches to achieving this often difficult goal are emerging and in wide-use around the world including the Gov Zero Movement in Taiwan (using Citizen Assemblies (Using sortition and Dynamic Facilitation) Featured in this episode or background to it are: Cross-Party Advocacy ▪ NCDD ▪ FCG ▪ Community Power▪ Co-ops ▪ Unions ▪ Living Wage ▪ Guaranteed Incomes

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Show 6 Change the Game--Shaping the Systems that Shape Us

May 18 We try to “be the change”, to live now in ways more just and sustainable. But then, we hit a wall: we need jobs, kids have to be gotten to school, rents close to jobs are more than we can afford, bus service is almost non-existent, and good food’s beyond our budget. Big systems surround us, enable us, force us, impede us, even punish us. So, it is these systems we must change. We look at how different kinds of systems need different kinds of strategies, and how these differences complement each other. Below are the two video’s that we taped on this topic. If you page down, you will also come to the three video’s we used parts of in this month’s show: Transforming Democracy, What Is a System, and Taiwan’s revolution with Audrey Tang

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Show 7A  What We Can Do--Strategic Citizen Action

Show 7A What We Can Do--Strategic Citizen Action

June 2018 What we do—big or little, novel or routine—is radical if it pulls up the roots of what is wrong, and plants instead what will grow a future we can live with. Systems change should not seek to force new beliefs and behaviors, but rather to assure conditions that will elicit, enable and engage the best that those living in the future will be capable of. The massive changes that future will hold, costly as they will be, will also force upon us a major overhaul of society. The work we do now helps determine what will thus emerge. Examples the new ways of putting "Do-It-Ourselves" Democracy to work now spreading around the world and shown or referenced in this episode are: Participatory Budgeting; Citizen Science; Learning to Learn; 100 Resilient Cities; Curitiba; and Wise Democracy

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Strategic Citizen Action--In Practice

Strategic Citizen Action--In Practice